Thursday, October 18, 2012

Extra Credit Blog Post

            This was probably one of the weirdest stories I have ever read, but I still liked it! I feel like there was a lot of symbolism behind the story, and a good lesson to learn. At the beginning of the story the narrator is not very happy about the blind man visiting. I’m not sure why this is, but I think it might be because of jealousy. The narrator says it is because he doesn’t know any blind men, so he doesn’t know how to interact with them. But I think he is jealous of the relationship that him and his wife have.
            When the old man arrives, the narrator seems extremely stand offish; he doesn’t really interact with the blind man. I got the impression that the narrator thought that he was better than the blind man. But as the story went on, the narrator started to interact with the blind man. He was hesitant at first, but once he started talking, things got easier. It could have been the odd fact that they were high, but it also could be because the narrator decided to be the better man. I think the turning point in the story was when the narrator started describing the cathedral on the television to the blind man. I think when the narrator realized that him and the blind man did the same things, had somewhat of the same interests, and could actually have a conversation, that he could start talking to him.
            The interesting thing about this story is what brought these two men together; cathedrals. The narrator started explaining what a cathedral looked like, and he decided that describing it was too hard. So the blind man suggests he draws it. Then the narrator and the blind man start drawing this cathedral together. At the end of the story the old man asks if he sees how cool their drawing is, and without opening his eyes, the narrator says yes. I think this story teaches everyone a lesson. The lesson I got out of it, is don’t judge someone just based on external facts. Just because this man was blind, the narrator thought that they would never be able to relate. Another lesson is even if you just have one thing in common, that one thing can bring you together. These men found a connection through a cathedral. This story was very interesting, but I enjoyed reading it!

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