Wednesday, August 22, 2012


“Be drunk on wine, on poetry, or on virtue.” To me this says to have a passion in life, no matter what that passion is. Every single person has to have something they love doing. It is so important to have something to be passionate about, because without passion, would life even be worth living? I am passionate about a lot of things. I am most passionate about giving back to others. I feel like doing service is one of the most important things one can do in life. Providing service for another person does not only benefit the other person, but you too. I guess you could say I am “drunk” on service. I think Edmundson was right to say that college students aren’t passionate about anything. I am not the exception to this rule. I know of a few things I am passionate about, but there is so much in this world that I have yet to experience. Only time will tell what I will become “drunk” on. 
Brittany Doman